
Showing posts from July, 2019

Homemade Graham Crackers

   I truly grew up with these graham crackers and I also remember making these with my mom as a little girl.  Funny story, when I was in Kindergarten my mom made these for my class as a treat for Valentine's Day I believe.  She made them into hearts and made a little hole at the top and ran red yarn through to make them into necklaces.  She also hand piped each child's name onto each individual heart.  I was so excited to bring them to class the next day!  When it came time to pass the treats out I noticed the kids started to put their graham cracker heart necklace on and they started to EAT them!!! I was so upset that they ate them, even though that's what they were for, I knew how hard my mom worked on them and I was so proud of those treats I thought they shouldn't be for eating! Ha! I was a funny girl I know!!  That's my favorite memory of these graham crackers.  I hope you all try this delicious family recipe and make some of your ...

Our family

  This is us! We are one big family of 13 plus a daughter-in-law and a grand baby on the way!! Yes, we keep on growing but I absolutely love it! So, let me introduce our family to you, First, my awesome husband, Kyle he’s a wonderful hubby and loving Dad to all our kiddos. Then, there’s me, Michelle a wife of 23 years and mama to 11 beautiful kids. Kaston is our first and he’s married to Emily the only blonde haired beautiful lady in the picture. Mac is second, Collin is third, Elizabeth our first daughter is fourth in line, Kelly is fifth, sixth is Garrett, seventh Christopher, eighth is our second daughter Isabella, ninth is Sophia, tenth is Natty Cate and lastly but ever so sweet is our Audrey who just turned the big 1! I know what you’re thinking wow! That’s a lot of kids how do you keep track?  Well, we love each and everyone of them separately they all have different personalities and along with that they have different needs so we approach each one of them differ...